Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

 This year I got to go to the NC State fair 3 times!!! So Sweet...the fried Snickers bars, the candy apples, the hot dogs smothered in everything and ferris wheels and tummy-twisting rides...I'm just sad its over and can't wait until next year's! Here are a couple (thousand) shots of the fun.

A beautiful sky as we enter the fair.

 I'm just a girl in the crowd...brrr!

A classic ride, the swings! I loved this one at the Pitt County Fair when I was little.

My first prize of the year! A giant pamper and pacifier-weilding gorilla. Thanks Herman for your AMAZING dart-throwing skills.

Adell and Brandon...what she's doing I have no idea.

Me and Herman and baby Gorilla. Its a girl.

So cute! Don't you love when you get to have FIRST DATE PICTURES!!!

Hungry hungry Herman! Go giant turkey legs!

His baby turkey...before its death.

So sweet...

I think I'm hungry...

Poor turkey...

I'm about to murder my FRIED PICKLES!!!!


I WON!!!


Awesome ride and Herman blocking the view. ;-)

Weird Ferris Wheel...I never saw one with the seats like little round buckets for four people.

First date pic!

I'm cute. He looks confused.

Nice view.

There we go! See Mr. Wuf? (Go Pack!)

This would be the one water ride at the which you get DRENCHED and people were letting their CHILDREN get on that ride when it was BELOW 45 DEGREES and windy and nighttime!!! ?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I think there's an alien worm taking over his face...

The ride PHAROH'S FURY, which the announcer kept calling "Furor's fury"

My three prize babies. Gorilla, Mr. Wuf, and the baby Wolf.


 The fireworks!


Was a great time, rode absolutely everything that could toss your tummy and ate things I will regret until I hit the gym (someday). Nos vemos next year!


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