Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

Life- looking up a bit
Money- ugh, but getting paid around 2am...hopefully my commission has kicked in
Friends- new ones! Love ya Kayla!
Future- hopefully I can get a REAL job pay for that one-bedroom and the digs to spruce it up
Money- sorry, but I need some...I know I know
School- about to have an all-nighter (hopefully not) then get to EXTREME work on those FIVE final papers...and final exam...ugh

Ah, but today I found a new tea place, yay! I will be buying some as soon as I can afford it ;-) called Tea Gschwendner

Made some of my own tea, yum, gotta remember to get that....lost the thought...oh! prescription

Getting to work now..........ugh


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