Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

SOOO...apparently I'm going to have to call and see where the rest of my PAYCHECK is because I've been waiting MONTHS for my payout!!! I kinda NEED the money right now...hard times have befallen the almost graduate...oh GOD I need some help...if I can just survive and keep them at bay until January 11th...goodness, that's almost halfway through the month?!??!!! Well, at least come march I'll have a break from a foreseen stressful semester...shame it won't be during my 23rd though, guess mama will get to enjoy me know, for a time, around a night of craziness with friends!

Oh! Btw, did you know that you can donate hair clippings and such to make hair mats to clean up oil spills??? You can donate as an individual or as a company or hair salon...pretty cool and useful purpose for icky cut hair!


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