Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

So, as my closest friends know (man, my blog is getting DIVERSE!), I am not a self-pronounced Democrat, though I gladly voted for Obama (and will do it again) I until recently agreed with more Republican views than Democratic. At least the less RADICAL ones, which is beginning to dominate Republican force families to be strict traditional religous fanatics. It is up to individuals to choose their way of life, and up to their government to provide options.

Well, during the Obama campaign I subscribed to a grassroots e-mail campaign, and while the information is useful and often shocking, its one of those things I don't feel compelled to act on, though recently I've felt VERY compelled to share with others. Below is the newest message...outrageous.

I must note, that I am not pro-abortion, but I am PRO-CHOICE. What does that mean to me? That as an American woman, I can choose what I do with my body, and I can choose safely. People that want to get rid of unwanted pregnancies, if desperate, still what risk?

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Dear Jessica,

The House is set to vote Wednesday on a bill that could force rape and incest survivors to prove to the IRS that they were assaulted.(1)

It's beyond outrageous, it's horrifying.

And to make matters worse, the bill would impose tax penalties on small businesses and many individuals who buy abortion coverage with their own money—with exceptions only for cases of rape, incest, and when a woman's life is in danger.(2) Their goal is to make abortion coverage unaffordable.

We've already stopped the radical anti-choice legislators from redefining rape. Now we have to win this critical battle in the "War on Women." It will take a flood of calls to stop this assault that could set women's right to choose back by decades.

The vote is tomorrow, Wednesday—can you pick up the phone right now and call Representative Brad Miller? Tell him: "Vote no on H.R. 3's radical assault on a woman's right to choose."

Here's where to call:

Representative Brad Miller

Phone: 202-225-3032

Then, please report your call by clicking here:]&id=27198-9869467-VvGUqJx&t=2
Thanks for all you do.

–-Kat, Tate, Sarah, Stephen, and the rest of the team


1. "GOP Bill Would Force IRS to Conduct Abortion Audits," Mother Jones, March 18, 2011

2. "Oppose the Dangerous and Misleading 'No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,'" National Women's Law Center, February 4, 2011


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