Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

...o dos días y un despierta!

Waiting for lunch so that I can leave and go work on my crap in Square 1 where the a/c is nice...and it smells like again today for lunch is locrio con some type of meat!!! =( (rice w/meat cooked in...and probably plantains either fried or boiled or something) Soooo much starch and fat! Hey Mommy, I think when I get back I wanna eat at either the Carolina Ale House or the Draft House in Cameron VIllage (can't remember the name right now). Somewhere with copious amounts of good AMERICAN FOOD and Woodchuck on tap. Mmmm. And REAL ketchup that ISN'T SWEET....ohhh! Think I'll eat fries and ketchup until my tongue is raw! And PICKLES!!! Oh man. Now I have to have a dominican lunch after thinking about that.

Someone needs to bring me some Claussen pickles when I get home.

Soooo...lunch turned out to be a vegetable-y chicken-ish soup with white rice (on the side) and we threw some diced avocado in there for fun times. Very filling. It was our almuerzo de despierta, but Julissa said we're not having a goodbye anything, so it was just a "lunch we all ate together and was special". If I didn't like soup I would have high-tailed it to Square 1 though immediately afterward for solid food. And the jugo de chinola (fresh passionfruit juice, hand-squeezed by the maid) helped alot too!


"almuerzo de despierta": WAKE UP IT IS LUNCH!!!!!

= )


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