Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

...would want to be Paris Hilton's new BFF?! Seriously, Paris, use the almost-education your father intended you to have.

Sorry people, I have my shallow pleasures, and her silly show is hilarious. I have a link to MTV's tell-all watch-all site where you can see the full episodes...I don't have a choice, I'm still in the DR, and I've only seen an episode from the previous season.

Ok, now I'm playing something I've seen before so that I actually get some writing done to my version is due in the morning, and I still have to do the homework for culture class after lunch (no biggie) and the approx. 12-page paper for same class (waay biggie). Ahhh well, maybe, just maybe, I will work tomorrow afternoon after eating a reasonable size lunch (instead of an unreasonably huge one) and find some good sources and write like the first half of the paper ten tell emily to run with it (its a partner paper). Sounds good, she might go for it, its always harder to start them, then I could edit the whole thing maybe wednesday night for grammar and cohesiveness since its due thursday...nothing friday except the bye-bye-chau dinner. Then saturday my plane leaves! A better schedule:

6 July - turn in 2nd draft of Darhower's paper, work on presentation for said paper/workshop for presentation in class; do homework for PUCMM and start on paper, la mitad

7 July - PUCMM final exam; finish Darhower presentation, newpaper article for class?

8 July - presentation in class for FLS412, finish final revisions on paper; finish PUCMM paper

9 July - PUCMM paper due; final draft of FLS412 paper due; last day of classes

10 July - Farewell dinner with ISA and the gang; out on the town ALL NIGHT LONG!

11 July - leave for the bus station by 5:45am to catch the nearest to 6am bus to Santo Domingo, arrive in Santo Domingo around 8am, take taxi to airport (~45min) and arrive around 9ish am, check in and such, flight leaves at ~12 noon (YAY!)

Unfortunately I don't get to raleigh/RDU until like 9pm, but more specifics on the arrival times later in the week just in case (please!) the layover times change or some such. Can't wait to see you Mommy and Pobrecito!

Ok, gonna write a little now. Guess I'm getting up early.


Looks like your having a great time babe, wish I could be there or somewhere interesting and fun. Cant wait to see u. Continue to enjoy yourself, this is a time you wont soon forget.

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