Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

(My life is CRAZY!!!), so long since my last post! What has happened?

Well...I've moved (yay!) and I have a great new apartment that my animals are trying their DARNEST to destroy, lol. I love them anyways. Still have Magic and Marco, Marco is much calmer and more trained than ever...and his *nut* chopping appointment is coming up towards the end of APRIL!!!

I am now volunteering with Marley's Cat Tails, which I enjoy, and I'm also a foster mom for two brother kittens, Bang and Tango, until they are adopted, placed in a PetSmart location or just rotated to another home.

Two weeks ago yesterday (time flies!) I was in a car accident that totaled my car while on the way to an exam...thanks a million. WELL...don't get progressive insurance because they valued my fully loaded leather seat SUV that I've had less than a year for less than what I owed on it, so I'm up doodie creek without a stinkin paddle. Oh yeah, I have an extremely excellent lawyer though which I am filing personal injury and such against the driver who has helped make this the worst semester of my LIFE.

Oh, and its time I get the ball rolling with this making money thing...being poor sucks. Buttmonkeys.


Life is just freakin' crazy right now...who knew I could get so low? Prayers are needed and asked for...hopefully I will soon have the opportunity to improve it, and pay all of my bills on my own...gosh this sucks. I've never had my life so far away from going according to plan.

I have to finish this later, I'm tired of writing. Until next time.


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