Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration... I actually achieved what I said I would do...I haven't gone to bed! Sooo...its about 5:07am and my madre is making my last breakfast before Molly gets here and I take a taxi at 5:30 from here for the last time. Its sooo sad, but at the same time, I CANNOT wait! The day (yesterday) was crazy, bought a ton of stuff I didn't intend to in calle del sol but its all good b/c it wasn't for me, had lunch at pizza hut with em where we took pictures and printed them off for Julissa...she cried when we gave her the framed picture of us! Craziness...well, I haven't really the time to go into detail about my day, night and morning, but I will update later...possibly during my long-as-crap layover in Jersey. Until then...



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