Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

Its the first of July, in case someone out there didn't notice. Gonna be in Santo Domingo on the Fourth. Seems like I'm starting a trend, last year on the Fourth I was in Turkey having weird versions of hamburgers they prepared for our american group, sitting in the dinning room overlooking the Turkish coast...rather nice.

This year I will be in a city hotter than the one I'm in is that possible? I cannot imagine, and I think I would rather leave my imagination out of that one. Hmmm...weird, but every year I can't help but remember that person who's birthday is on the fourth. I should really stop coming up with things that cement facts about people not in my life in my head. Very inconvenient. And irritating.

Hmmm...gotta get to class #2, I know. And I'm sooooo itchy. Malditos mosquitos. I'm gotta need an oatmeal bath alternating with lemon and mint baths when I get home. Gosh my skin....I miss you so much! Least its cheap to get waxed here...yes!!!!

Though I will say, poor poor Em, what she did to you was not right, or maybe you should have asked for clarification on what she said a couple of times, but you should only have removed what you expect! Welll...feel breezy, at least?

By the way, who is the monkey that visited my page???


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