Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

**I added pictures to the Dedé Mirabal post and a few more words. Worth taking a look at I think.**

Sooo...I always do strange things (according to my friends) and I've noticed over the course of this trip that I tend to take pictures of my feet almost everywhere we go. Usually just one, though there have been those instances...jajaja.

Entonces, here commence my traveling foot diaries, the adventures that me and my feet (and sometimes others) embarq on often (enough). Enjoy!

First day on campus while we were waiting for our rides after the campus tour. Funny memory, Waldry couldn't find us and we waited for about half and hour before we found out way home. Later we found out that he had been driving all over campus looking for us and he and Julissa were worried. C'est la vie.
With some shells on Isla Saona. I think, if I remember correctly, they had hermit crabs inside.
Tour of the coffee plantation...I bought two bags of coffee, should have bought more. Remember that coffee I mentioned before with NOTHING in it??? Yes, well, this is where it started its journey into my tummy.
In the frigid waters at the cascadas (waterfalls) in Jarabacoa, after an interesting horse ride up the mountain followed by a short hike. You get used to the temperature, especially after so much heat, anything cool/cold feels great.
On the beach in Puerto Plata. What a hot *ss day. Seriously. Think I tanned more in that 20-30 minutes on that beach than my whole previous time here combined. Nuts.
Watch out for the next installment! (I can only add 5 pictures per post...malditos idiotas.)

*In a slightly later post there will be a picture of me and Dedé Mirabal herself!!! Insane, I know. For those of you like "what???? (confused face)" go read about some dominican history and aquaint yourself with the awesome Failed Pig Leonidas Trujillo and the women he had brutally beaten to death for resisiting him and who inspired the Nov.25th latin holiday of Prevention of Violence Against Women.*


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