Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

Jajaja...yeah right. Well, I'm supposed to be working, but I was really browsing some really nice approx. 2 week long cruises that I may want to do next june. Call it a graduation present to myself. I cannot decide which right now, and I have too many favorite, but HERE is the page to search the trips on. right foot is killing me. I think they know. Those malditos mosquitoes know I'm allergic to them, that's why one bit me, while I was sleeping and the pain woke me up, on the bottom of my middlw toe. That's why.

Watching Shreck 2 right now with the familia dominicana y em, but I'm gonna get my power cord and actually work on my essays and such. Seriously.


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