Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

Soooo...we're waiting for:

  1. lunch to be ready
  2. someone to go with us to calle del sol b/c I really want to go now
  3. lunch to be ready
  4. to leave at 7 AM FOR SANTO DOMINGO!!! (what shall I wear?!)
Ok, that's about it. There will be crazy pics of me and em on know the rest. for the pics I mentioned yesterday! Crazy that today is the 2nd of July.
Another pic someone else (em) took of me dancing on the boat to Isla Saona.Me and Dedé Mirabal while she is signing my book, Vivas en su jardínOne of the (5) cats at Plaza Lucitania sleeping on a shelf in their smaller kitchen...hmmm, a kitchen, I know.Another of the (5) cats at our hotel, dilligently eating, and ignoring me taking pictures of it.
Daniel and one of his amigos at the french-owned pizzeria, in front of the doors to the inner sanctum (club) that was inside. Don't remember the guys name, but he thought me and Courtney were dominican, and keep calling her beautiful and she was like "gracias" with a stink face and he said it again anyways. So funny, dominican men.


So, the itenerary for this weekend is..... (drumroll please...)


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