Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

Soooo...Julissa told us a couple of funny stories over dinner.

  1. When Bryan was smaller and she had finished taking a bath with him/bathing him she usually dressed then dressed him. ONe day she did not and he was all dressed in his pajamas and she was getting out her underwear when the towel fell off. Aparently he'd never seen a butt head-on before, because he screams at her "Mommy, your butt is broken, why is your butt broken?!" then he tries to see what's inside!!!!!!
  2. When Bryan was younger (again, crazy, the kid is only2) Julissa was breastfeeding him and another small child was nearby. The kid asks her what she is doing. She tells them she is feeding Bryan milk. They ask her what it is, so she responds "strawberry" since she figured the child was referring to what flavor milk she had. Then the kids asks what the flavor of the other one (breast) was! She thinks, and responds "chocolate". Then the kid thinks, and says "I think I want the other coffee flavored one"! And Julissa is like OMG! So I have a strawberry, a chocolate, and a third coffee flavored breast!
  3. Another time Julissa is carrying Bryan in the mall and he decides he wants some milk so he goes, "Mommy, quiero esto!" and rips out her breast to suck on it in the middle of the mall while her arms are full of bags (and him) and people are everywhere watching!
Man, she has told us some crazy stories about that kid. Seriously.


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