Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

Things to buy when i get home:

  1. smallest container of oxyclean i can find to GET RID OF STAINS THE MAID GOT ON MY CLOTHES WHEN SHE WASHED THEM!
  2. Clorox for the whites in that doesn't work
  3. pickles to calm me down over my possibly-ruined-expensive-white-clothes and bathing-suit (hey, they float my boat, k?)
  4. new album for the DR
Things to do in the morning (i.e. in a few hours):
  1. get out of bed
  2. shower (yay, just to get yucky again)
  3. talk to Julissa about my POSSIBLY RUINED BATHING SUIT ($100!)
  4. breakfast
  5. Shell station at 7am to get picked up
  6. ride to Santo Domingo
  7. 2hr walking tour of the city (ugghhh)
  8. released at 2pm to lunch and have some dang on fun!
  9. sunday- don't remember the morning...breakfast and check out?
  10. playa boca chica like all day (about 5 hrs! ugh) on the FOURTH OF JULY
  11. all I can remember, going to bed now.
  12. return to Santiago (maybe) afternoon/nightish of sunday


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