Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

SO, I'm officially DONE for the semester! Also turns out that I did get my commission, but it was so measly and hours so bad...well, I'm sure you get it. The stress levels during the semester ensured I wouldn't be totally thrilled with my grades, not that I failed anything, but passing isn't really my only goal here. Just means I've got to have a hell of a semester next one (AND I WILL!!!) and eliminate a few huge sources of stress and anxiety...only problem is the eliminating part...anyways, looking forward to the holidays, though I'm FLAT BROKE, and cannot believe that Christmas is one week from tomorrow!!! Well, Felíz Navidad people, prospero año y feliz edad, and all that other jazz (I wanna miss you a merry Christmas, the parts people don't really know what its saying!). Guess I'll just focus on being happy and not too worried over anything while I can...


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