Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

It seems I have very little control over my life right now. The job market is a dud, I never filled out the FAFSA (silly chit, I know) so I have not a way to pay for school right now, nor do I have a vehicle to speak of. My mother was just married (¡felicitaciones!) and my best friend Lena is soon to follow…I’m glad she’s finally getting what she wants, in spite of her future monster-in-law…

Well, I hear my lawyer is putting through the request to the insurance company, I hope he still did his best, I have been keeping terrible contact with him due to, well…stress, a lack of internet at times, and just a lack of time or anything to say. My life still sucks, my back still sucks, and I think I eat even more than ever…I’ve gained 15 pounds reaching a number I never imagined possible! Well, before getting married and complacent and pregnant at least!

Enough about me…well, not really. It IS a blog about “finding Jessica”…well I happen to be at home in my apartment right now, with Magic and Marco and far too many thoughts and not enough channels, lol.

I think I just finished the first bouquet for the bridesmaids, but we shall see what will be done tomorrow, so I’m trying to keep my hands and poor little brain occupied so that I don’t accidentally fall into an abyss of the brain…I should probably put in a comedy of some sort.

So…my weight goal by October 30th (Lena’s wedding) is to weigh 110-112 lbs.

I will finish putting away my crap before Monday (the 6th of September…geeze where has this year gone?!)

I will finish putting in applications…any suggestions in the Triangle/RTP/Raleigh area let me know!

And I will start a project…after watching Julie & Julia I’m intrigued…would it work? What would it take? What should I do? I almost want to find Julia Childs’ cookbook and cook my way through it…it would take serious time and money, but…why not? I’ve never liked French food (besides French fries, ha ha) maybe it would change my mind…
Or maybe I could work my way through a healthy one to help control my little piggy appetite…or a Paula Dean one…or a foreign one since I do love to cook foreign foods…Turkish and Chilean and Dominican…so many possibilities…and so much food!

Hmmm…I suppose I should start a new blog for that one…and force friends to come over often to eat the food! I do live alone, and a fresh meal every day…I would need either a cookbook with fewer than 365 recipes or promises from friends to eat the food! I think I keep repeating that line…ha ha ha.

Well, all for now I suppose…


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