Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...

You know, I've made up a kinda cute new wordpress blog for everyday since this was supposed to just be for traveling, but I must say wordpress is such a stinker! So dern complicated to do the simplest things, and it takes MUCH longer to load everything too! Well, I may continue it, I may not...maybe I just need that new sony vaio and a better internet connection, lol.

Well, I'M EMPLOYED AGAIN!!! Yayy! I start tomorrow, so geeze mom don't even worry, I was barely over a week without a job! ;-) former employer apparountly "found" the error in his ways/judgement/mental function and decided that he DID in fact owe me $dinero$ and I've got one check and have to wait for the rest in the MAIL!!?!?!! What is THAT about...well, I'm getting my money and I've got a full time job in payroll now so things are peachy keeny, ya know? All I want to do is nicely (and on timey) pay my billsand have a car that will RUN and take me from POINT A to POINT B without any interruptions...I miss my mazda tribute sooooooo badly...i think I'm gonna throw in the towel and just get another when I finally get my settlement...I really loved that vehicle, it was just Well, about to work out some finances, sooooo....until later.

Oh, and the phrase "wordpress blog" above is a hyperlink to the blog in case you couldn't tell. ;-)


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