Finding Jessica

trying to reach that essential plateau of hopeless wonderment associated with achieving the ultimate inspiration...


A bit borrowed from another...

Un instante. ¿Y que es un instante? Un instante… Ni siquiera es un segundo. Un segundo esta compuesto por infinitos instantes. Un instante es un momento, una alineación particular de las estrellas, instantánea, que no se volverá a repetir jamás en toda la historia del universo. Un instante, pero aún así, siendo tan insignificante, es capaz de definir la vida completa de una persona.

Wooowww...I love it. I'm sorry, its too nice in Spanish. A rough and incomplete translation...(ok, a fairly good one thank you very much)...

An instant. And what is an instant? An instant...not even a second. A second is composed of infinite instances. An instant is a moment, a particular alignment of the stars, instantaneously, that can never be repeated in the history of the universe. An instant, but even so, being so insignificant, it has the ability to define a person's entire life.

I know, not necessarily original, but the Spanish is killer...wish I could have written it in Spanish myself (without a dictionary) ... someday.
About to start Dreams from my Father by our insanely famous President Barack Obama. I'm really sad I finished Mansfield Park, but the brain always needs new excercises.

Think I'll see if Markanetta is getting her hair done in the morning...will go with her and get her class notes. I MUST study up some grammar, and Em and I REALLY need to nail this trip to Puerto Plata into the ground...if we're staying the night we need a room, etc. And to know the bus times and such. Craziness. Didn't think I would be so apathetic about a trip. Probably a result of being sick this week for 1.5 days. Almost 100%. Almost.

Been glancing at people's blogs (what a weird word) and taking in styles and subjects...people really are willing to put the craziest things online...about themselves...

Emotional cutting. Is that what I do? Maybe mental. Maybe Stressing out. Maybe need tranquilising.


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